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Hello, what should I do if my second arm moves in parallel when I move the rig V?

Turn off X mirroring

But there is one question. Why does wrinkle have no texture? I'm trying to animate something but I can't figure it out


That models is so good! Thanks you very much!

Why does the loading texture not show up

You're probably in Viewport Shading

How do i move 1 hand at a time?

Your reply is blank

(1 edit)

New hairs texture & fur

(1 edit)

Added new hairs, fur & 3 mouth

Added body rig & new teeth.

(1 edit)

how do you change their costume and how to show the different faces like the x eye and the eye creases

also how do i show the wings?

Added Camp outfit for N

Updated, added Prom Dress for V.

Updated, added IK rig for tails and edited hairs, V's jaket & girls bodies.

Where is J's bones on shocker and claws?

Updated! Added tail rig, and updated N's body.